Analytics for Business Problem Solving
This course intends to expose learners to (managing) the art of building relevant business insights from the analysis of large numeric databases using numerous statistical and search tools.

This course intends to expose learners to (managing) the art of building relevant business insights from the analysis of a large numeric databases using numerous statistical and search tools. The emphasis of the programme will be more on discussing relevant issues of managing analytic functions and developing appreciation for data analytics/research among practitioners. While knowledge of specific statistical (and search) tools will be disseminated as part of the overall objective of the programme, it will not be enough to build expert knowledge of the same. Learners will benefit from this course if they encounter some or any of the following situation(s) at work: (i) If you are concerned about how to use customer and competitor information to effectively drive your marketing initiatives and would like to develop a suitable internal process within your organisation to do so (ii) If you are interested in issues such as: a) identifying customer segments from data, b) measuring the effectiveness of your marketing initiatives, c) Marketing Mix Planning d) appreciating demand projections, e) optimising the communications budget, f) estimating/ forecasting impacts of alternative marketing plans, etc. through a process of collection and analysis of relevant data (iii) If you are interested in redesigning your ongoing research to make it more useful for business decision-making (iv) If you want to develop/refresh your understanding of basic statistical conceptss, some relevant data analytic tools and their applications (v) If you are interested in the latest issues in analytics practice – big data and its future Why Should You Attend?